Receive Food Assistance

The Hancock County Food Pantry receives food through the United States Department of Agriculture’s “The Emergency Food Assistance Program” (TEFAP); the provisions of that program govern our client eligibility. We receive updated TEFAP eligibility requirements from the MS Department of Human Services each year. The Food Pantry uses these requirements to determine if households are eligible to receive food and personal hygiene products and completes the proper paperwork, including the required TEFAP form, certifying that the household is eligible.

The head of household must confirm annually that their gross income is at or below the income listed on the TEFAP Client Eligibility form for the number of people in the household OR that they participate in other federal assistance programs, such as Food Stamps (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or those are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

The Food Pantry provides a letter to the head of the household on the initial visit detailing documents that will be required for assistance on the next visit. This documentation includes proof of identity (photo ID), residency, and income. The household is “certified” for return visits and issued a certification card when these documents are provided. On subsequent visits to the Food Pantry, the head of household need only show their photo ID and certification card to receive assistance. Each certification card carries an expiration date showing when the household must be recertified.

Volunteer, Donate, Advocate.

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The Food Pantry is operated entirely by volunteers. Over 96% of all funds spent in 2023 were used to purchase food for those in need.

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  • Monday - Friday (except holidays)
  • 9 AM - 12 Noon